Our Mission
IAA's mission is to improve the quality of life for people living with, affected by or at risk for HIV/AIDS or other stigmatized conditions - often related to sex or drug use - through harm reduction, resource development and advocacy as best suits the people who need help.
National HIV Testing Day
National HIV Testing Day (NHTD) is an annual observance to encourage people of all ages to get tested for HIV and to know their status.
Too many people don't know they have HIV. At the end of 2014, an estimated 1.1 million persons aged 13 and older were living with HIV infection in the United States, including an estimated 166,000 (15%, or 1 in 7) persons whose infections had not been diagnosed.
Getting tested is the first step to finding out if you have HIV. If you have HIV, getting medical care and taking medicines regularly helps you live a longer, healthier life and also lowers the chances of passing HIV on to others.
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